BRAUER Maschinentechnik AG

Details in accordance with § 5 TMG:

BRAUER Maschinentechnik AG
Raiffeisenring 21-25
D-46395 Bocholt
Telephone: +49 2871 7033
Telefax     : +49 2871 7036
E-Mail       : info(at)


Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Norbert Stevens
Board Members: Dipl.- Ing. Niels Brauer, Dipl.- Wirt. Ing. Jens Brauer
District Court of Coesfeld HR B 8922, VAT ID no.: DE 124160644
Certification according to:
DIN EN ISO 9001:2015
DIN EN ISO 14001:2015
DIN ISO 45001:2018


Responsible for the content in accordance with § 55 sec. 2 RStV: Dipl.-Wirt. Ing. Jens Brauer


BRAUER Maschinentechnik AG has prepared the contents of these Internet pages with the utmost care and attention. However, we cannot accept any liability for the accuracy, reliability or contents. We do not accept any responsibility for the content of pages connected with this website via a link.

All illustrated information in the form of texts, images or graphics are copyright protected and are subject to the BRAUER Maschinentechnik AG copyright laws. Reproduction in full or in part requires our written permission.