BRAUER Maschinentechnik AG

Some current news about BRAUER Maschinentechnik AG.


Two cooling tower gearboxes repaired by BRAUER Maschinentechnik AG

Overhaul gearboxes is one of the main work from BRAUER Maschinentechnik AG

Die Instandsetzung von Kühlturmgetrieben gehört zu den Standardarbeiten der BRAUER Maschinentechnik AG. Vor Ort können wir mit unserer hochwertigen Ausrüstung ...

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Overhaul of 120 ton gearbox

An extraordinary job for BRAUER Maschinentechnik AG

It's an artikel of a German newspaper about a 120 ton bowl mill gearbox in Bocholt. Since 40 years overhauling gearboxes is the daily business of BRAUER Maschinentechnik AG. But a heavy one like one like this has never been in there in there halls before.

read the article in german


Repair of two cement mill gear units at a Belgian cement plant

Gear unit overhauled by BRAUER Maschinentechnik AG in Bocholt

Numerous cement plants can boast of drivetrains with mechanical gearing that have been in service for decades. In many cases, a general overhaul would be desirable, but the prolonged downtime, or perhaps the lack of a good extraction option, makes it appear unfeasible. Consequently, repairs are often limited to...

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Overhauling a Stoeckicht-planetary gearbox of a steam turbine

Steam turbine with raised vibration values

The following check of the planetary gearbox by video endoscopy has shown, that the components show first marks of wearing. Within 4 weeks the gearbox has been demounted, completely overhauled and ...

read the whole german article of VGB PowerTech